My finances are in order and I've been investing for a few years now, what else can I do to get an edge?
As you progress in your investment journey and gain more experience, you may naturally start exploring other financial strategies to further optimize your returns.
In this section, we will explore the concept of Disruptive Innovation, the interplay between Time & Money, and the differences between Fundaments & Technicals.
It is crucial to understand the distinction between an "investor" and a "trader." Here is a breakdown of their characteristics:
Investor: an investor typically has longer time horizons, focuses on core business fundamentals, and typically utilizes investment vehicles for passive income.
Trader: a trader typically operates on shorter time horizons, focuses on technical analysis and indicators, and utilizes investment vehicles for active income.
Lifewell strongly recommends adopting the investor route rather than pursuing the life of a trader (or for certain individuals using a hybrid approach, expanded upon in the Advanced section). The lifestyle of a trader is often filled with stress and demands constant attention to the markets. It can be inherently unhealthy and misaligns with our mission of enabling financial freedom. At Lifewell, we believe that money should work for you, not the other way around.
Articles (Intermediate)
Recommended: Read articles in order. Click an image to get started.