
The stock market is a beautiful amalgamation of various mathematical concepts applied to real life, with a strong financial incentive for those that speak its language.

If you like math, have a high risk profile of 4 or higher, and are generally good with managing your finances, then this section is for you. If any of those 3 circumstances are not true for you, be warned: advanced investment strategies using stock options can ruin your life if you are not careful.

In this section, we will discuss the definition of derivative strategies using Stock Options, normalizing options plays using a simple Expected Value formula and Monte Carlo Simulations, and the opportunities offered by Future Investments, including predictions about AI and the value of alternative investments.

While there is an abundance of financial instruments and strategies, it is important to recognize that the benefits often diminish as complexity increases. This section will discuss the upside of applying a long-term investment mentality to leveraged investment vehicles that can produce incredible results when deployed tactically.

Articles (Advanced)

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